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Events & Celebrations Gallery

Rungu Primary, Kenya - 3rd October 2024

Today we had Pauline Prince from Amani UK come to do an assembly for the children all about life in Kenya. They were fascinated when hearing about how families in Kenya do not have running water or electricity and were very interested to see the inside of a classroom in Kenya compared to our classrooms at Manor Farm. We have spoken to the children about our link with Rungu Primary and they all seem very excited to find out more about life in another school.

Performance Assembly - 2nd October 2024

Year 2 Leavers - 19th July 2024

Today we said goodbye to our Year 2 children.  They performed their leavers assembly beautifully and shared lots of special memories of their time at Manor Farm.  There were not many dry eyes, especially when they sang with so much feeling and emotion.
We wish our Year 2 leavers all the very best as they take their next step on their learning journey.
We will never forget you !

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Water Day - 18th July 2024

EYFS Pirate Day - 15th July 2024

Year 2 Tenner Challenge - 12th July 2024

Performance Assembly 3rd July 2024

Sports Day - 19th June 2024

On Wednesday 29th June we held our annual Sports Day. It was a fantastic day, the weather was kind
and the atmosphere was excellent. All the children proudly took part in 8 stations where they
showed off their brilliant sportsmanship and their sporting skills. They threw beanbags, balls and
javelin sticks, they jumped hurdles, balanced eggs on spoons and bounced on hoppers. To finish the
morning, the children took part in running races where we were amazed at how fast some children
can run. It was a close competition with blue team taking home the trophy this year. Thank you to
everyone who came along and supported the children, to all the members of staff and others who
gave up their time, especially Dave Reeves on the microphone and coach Mike who led the warm up.

Performance Assembly - 12th June 2024

Year 2 Trip to the Roald Dahl Museum - 11th June 2024

On Tuesday 11th June Year 2 had a fantastic day out at Bucks Museum and The Roald Dahl Gallery. It was a day packed with activities that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The children were excited to search the museum answering questions about all the interesting exhibits. They loved all the ‘hands on’ exploration in the Roald Dahl gallery with Mr. Fox’s tunnel and the giant peach being the highlights. They also took part in a craft workshop and created the most exotic-looking insects using ideas gathered from their observational drawings in the museum. Thank you to all the adults who accompanied us and made the day such a success!

EYFS Visit to Whipsnade Zoo - 15th May 2024

Performance Assembly - 8th May 2024

Year 2 Grandparents visit - 7th May 2024

Activity Week – w/c 25th March 2024

This week has seen us celebrating an exciting creative activity week.

Key Stage One were celebrating the ‘World Around Us’ and they were set the challenge to learn about different countries from around the world. We ended the week with each class sharing something they had learnt with the rest of the school.
It was brilliant to see the Greek dancing that Chestnut Class learnt, the collective aboriginal drawing in Larch Class, Willow Classes trip around India sharing their mandala patterns, henna tattoos and Indian flags and finally Beech Class who went to Mexico showing their sombreros, ukuleles and flags. All classes shared some interesting facts with the rest of the school.
EYFS were very lucky to have some ducks to hatch and look after. Throughout the week they learnt lots and thoroughly enjoyed giving the ducks a bath. In assembly they shared different ducking crafts and also some interesting facts that they had remembered.

Ducks - 18th March 2024

In the Spring term the Early Years Department were lucky enough to be able to look after and care for some beautiful ducklings. We watched them hatch from their eggs and then they stayed with us for a couple of weeks while we watched them learn and grow. The best part was teaching them how to swim in our water tray! The ducklings have now gone to live on a farm with Mrs Topley’s mummy so we can still be updated on how they are getting on and we are pleased to say that they are having a very happy time there. 

Paralympian Visit - 6th March 2024

On Wednesday the 6th of March, we had a very exciting visit from the Paralympian Fabiennne Andre.
Firstly, we took part in a sponsored circuit with our class mates, which was lots of fun but very noisy.
We did spotty dogs, leg drives, push ups and star jumps. By the end we were very hot and tired.
Then Fabienne did a whole school assembly where she spoke to us about how she became a wheelchair racer and the dedication she needed to become an athlete. She spoke about her wheelchair and how she powers it.
To be an athlete, Fabienne has to train very hard and her moto is ‘Be determined, so you can be the  best you can be. Never be afraid to try something new’.
Fabienne answered all our questions and showed us all the medals and mascots she had won. She was very inspiring and we wish her lots of luck in the Paris 2024 Olympics; we will be cheering her on.
We made an amazing £1,537.63 to spend on some new sports equipment, well done and thank you so much for raising an incredible amount of money for your school.

History Off the Page - Florence Nightingale

On Monday 4th March Year 2 had a really exciting day. We were lucky enough to welcome ‘History off The Page’ to our school and spent the day with Florence Nightingale! All the children and adults looked fantastic dressed up as people from the time.
During the first session everyone had the chance to take part in some activities to learn a little bit more about life when Florence Nightingale was alive. These included decorating pill boxes that could have been given to injured soldiers during the Crimean War, so that their medicines did not get muddled. Making sashes, that were worn by the nurses instead of uniforms. Some children wrote job applications using ink pens and were interviewed by Florence herself to see if they could travel to Scutari to help. There was also a chance to make a clay candle holder for the nurses to use as they moved round looking after the injured soldiers.
Later in the day the children became detectives as they examined the contents of different suitcases and tried to work out what the items inside were and who the case might belong to – was it a nurse? A chef? A doctor?
Finally, we all travelled to Scutari and used the equipment to set up the hospital for injured soldiers. There were lots of jobs to do including cooking food, gardening, cleaning, looking after the soldiers and working in the laundry room.
It was a very enjoyable and busy day! We all learnt so much about Florence Nightingale and loved bringing history to life.

EYFS Communication Week - 4th March 2024

As part of our Communication Week children in Oak and Ash class took part in a live 'draw along' with the author/illustrator Guilherme Karsten. He read his book 'Are you a monster?' which the children really enjoyed. Guilherme then took the children through how to draw their own illustration of a monster. We were so impressed with how carefully the children listened and followed his instructions and their final sketches are amazing. Well done EYFS!  We were also very excited to have some of our family member to come into school and share a story with us.  We performed a poem for them to emphasise the importance of speaking and listening.

Windsor Castle - 7th March 2024

Year 1 enjoyed a wonderful day at Windsor Castle.  The children were amazed at the armour they saw and all the beautiful portraits of Kings and Queens from the past.  They were in awe at the Queens Dolls house and couldn't believe how big it actually was.  We just missed the King arriving but the children were very excited to see when the flag flying at the castle changed from the Union Jack to the Royal Standard.  We had a workshop while we were there and were very proud of how much the children were able to show they had already learned about Castles.  The children described it as 'the best week ever'.

World Book Day - 29th February 2024

The theme for World Book Day 2024 was ‘reading for pleasure’ so we enjoyed cosying up in our pyjamas and slippers to share our favourite books with friends. We also worked hard to decorate a paper plate to represent a book of choice for each class.  During assembly we shared these plates with the rest of the school who had great fun in guessing each book. We rounded off the day with a storytime with Mrs Bing. What a fun day!

Performance Assembly - 28th February 2024

30th January 2024

We have been very lucky that we have continued to have some special visitors in school to tell us about their jobs and how they help people in the community.  We have met a nurse, a midwife and a dentist.  We were able to look at some of the equipment that they use and ask questions. Our nurse and midwife spoke about how they look after children and babies and during our dentist visit we were shown how to brush our teeth.  We were excited to be given new toothbrushes to use at home.

Mr. Reeves visit to Year 2 - 24th January 2024

On Wednesday afternoon Year 2 were very excited to welcome Mr. Reeves to their classroom. He came in to share some amazing photos and stories about his recent trip to Kenya, which was perfect as it brought to life this half term’s geography topic. The children listened excitedly as he told them about the sights he had seen and described some of his favourite moments. We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Mr. Reeves for such a wonderful afternoon.
People who help us - w/c 15th January 2024

This week EYFS have been learning about Supertato.  We learnt the story and performed it in assembly to the rest of the school.  One morning we came into school to find a crime scene. We worked out that our class Teddy's had been kidnapped by Evil Pea!  We have been writing missing and wanted posters to get them back to us safely.

We were also very lucky to have a visit from a police officer.  We spoke about what a police officer does, got to meet 'Chief' the police dog and we all went and sat in the police car.
We were very excited when some of us got to press the buttons for the lights to flash and the siren to sound.  It was very loud but we loved it!

We have had the best week !

Performance Assembly 17th January 2024

Christmas at Manor Farm Infants

Activity week arrived with a large sprinkle of glitter as children completed a range of art activities in their classes.
'The Magical Christmas Jigsaw' was our first whole school performance and the children made us all feel so proud.  They worked hard to learn their lines, songs and dances and every child shone brightly.  It also reminded us of why Christmas is celebrated.
Daily Christmas Playground discos took place which were great fun for the children and staff !
Year 1 Choir performed Christmas songs in celebration assembly and sang beautifully and with confidence.
Christmas lunch was celebrated together as a school where the children enjoyed pulling crackers with their friends and tucking into tasty treats.

We wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

Performance Assembly - 29th November 2023

History Off the Page - 28th November 2023

Beech and Willow have been learning about Toys, past and present for their history topic. They really enjoyed a day visit from ‘History off the Page’ which gave the children the opportunity to explore and play with a variety of toys from the past. The children explored what the toys were made of and how they work. The afternoon session was focussed on making traditional toys from a range of materials which was great fun.

Children In Need - 17th November 2023

It was great to see many children buying and wearing merchandise to support Children in Need. Thank you too for the coins what the children used to decorate Pudsey and Blush. In total we raised £418.76 and have received a certificate for our contribution.

Diwali Assembly - 10th November 2023 

This morning we were excited to welcome Mrs Puri into our school to tell us all about Diwali. The hall was beautifully decorated with diva lamps, colourful fabric, lanterns and marigold garlands. She shared the story of Rama and Sita and this explained why her and her family celebrate Diwali. The children got to hold diva lamps, money wallets and some children even got to wear sherwanis. Niam shared his favourite part of Diwali which was the orange sweets.

In EYFS the children spent a day learning about Diwali where they had a go at making their own divas using clay and sequins. They also using different materials to make their own Rangoli patterns as well as drawing their own in glitter.

Bonfire Night

Oak & Ash Class enjoyed singing and adding musical accompaniment to a song about Bonfire Night.

Year 1 have been learning about The Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire Night. They did some fantastic writing about the plot to kill King James and made some super sparkly firework pictures that were very impressive. They also had a chance to tell the rest of the school about what they have been learning and showed their work off with pride. Well done Year 1. We hope you all have a lovely weekend celebrating Bonfire Night! 

Great Fire of London

This half term the children in Year 2 have loved learning all about The Great Fire of London. On Monday they proudly shared some of their knowledge with the rest of the school. They read poems, facts, diaries and showed some of their paintings and chalk drawings. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm for the topic and their desire to discover as much as possible about the event. We now have several experts on this topic in year 2!

Performance Assembly – 11th October 2023

Year 2 Leavers – 21st July 2023

This morning was a celebration of our Year 2’s and how much they have achieved and grown since beginning school in 2020.
They performed their leavers assembly beautifully and shared these photographs.
We wish our Year 2 families all the best.

Fiver Challenge – 20th July 2023

After weeks of planning, organising, discussing and making the eight year 2 teams were ready and excited to run their stalls on Thursday afternoon. It was amazing to see them confidently explaining their products and calculating totals for people to pay, as well as mastering giving change. They were selling badges, ice-creams, second hand clothes, fridge magnets, fans, air fresheners and lemonade. There was a penalty shoot out and a group that wrote an original story which was so popular they even had to take orders! We are incredibly proud of all the children and their effort and enthusiasm and know they had a wonderful afternoon. Thank you to everyone for supporting the event to make it such a success.

Activity Week – Water Day 18th July 2023

As part of our Activity Week in our last week of term, we all enjoyed a ‘Fun Day’.
Please enjoy looking at some photos of us having so much fun as we had water play, an inflatable assault course and making ice creams !

Performance Assembly – 12th July 2023

This months performance assembly included dance, football, gymnastics, joke telling and singing.

Sports Day – Wednesday 21st June 2023

Visit from Oreo and Friends – Tuesday 20th June 2023

Today Years 1 and 2 were very excited to receive a visit from Oreo and his friends.  The children met a Millipede, a Chinese Water Dragon, a Boa Constrictor, a Python, a Tenrec, an Armadillo, a Meerkat and a Skunk.

Performance Assembly – Wednesday 7th June 2023

This months performance assembly once again saw a range of dancing, singing, football skills, gymnastics, marshall arts, music and joke telling.

Jungle Juniors 24th May 2023

On Wednesday 24th May, EYFS were excited to have a visit from Jess from Jungle Juniors and her collection of minibeast, amphibians and reptiles. The children met a hissing cockroach, a giant land snail, a millipede, a bull frog, a tarantula and a boa constrictor. The children learnt a lot of exciting facts and were even allowed to touch and hold them. This added excitement to their current minibeast topic.

The children were filled with enthusiasm from the visit which they then took back into their classroom. They remembered interesting facts about the creatures they met and produced some great writing. Some children also took this into their independent play in the garden area and enthusiastically turned themselves into the creatures they saw, creeping and crawling around the garden.

Coronation Day – Friday 5th May 2023

Coronation day celebrations began with welcoming many Kings and Queens through the gates of Manor Farm Infant School.  Throughout the day crowns were made, plants were planted, a drama challenge completed, an afternoon tea eaten as well as many more regal related activities taking place.  We finished our day by coming together wearing our crowns to sing our Coronation song which was sung beautifully.

Performance Assembly – Thursday 4th May 2023

We held our first performance assembly led by Mrs Whelan this week for Year 1 and Year 2.  It was wonderful to see the children perform a range of dancing, singing, poetry and joke telling with such confidence and joy.  Our next performance assembly will be next month where children will choose to sign up if they wish to perform.

Grandparents Day - Friday 28th April – Year 2

On Friday 28th April, the Year 2’s had some special visitors. Their grandparents arrived to take part in a special lesson about belonging. They helped the children to complete an activity called ‘What helps me belong’ and ended the afternoon with a lovely poem and song to show their grandparents what they have been learning at school. Everyone involved had a lovely time 🙂 

Wednesday 3rd May – EYFS

We had a fantastic morning where the Grandparents of Oak and Ash Class came to visit us.  We listened to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story and had loads of fun completing various activities linked to this.  We enjoyed showing off our classrooms and were proud to sing on the stage for you all. 

Earth Day – Friday 21st April 2023

On Friday the 21st April, we celebrated Earth Day in school. The Year 2 classes did some excellent junk modelling and made items of clothing out of recycled materials. We had hats, bracelets and even a suit of armour! We are working alongside Tylers Green First School to choose a winner for the modelling competition, and they will be sending us photos of their best designs for us to vote on a winner for their school. The children had a great time and were very excited to be getting involved with another local school to celebrate this very important day. 

Coronation Song – Wednesday 8th March 2023

Earlier this month we were very lucky to enjoy a singing workshop led by teachers from The Chiltern Music Academy to introduce a song commissioned for the Coronation of King Charles. The children will be continuing to learn and practise this song ready to sing together when we celebrate the coronation in school in May. We were all so proud of the children’s beautiful and accomplished singing which was highly commended by The Chiltern Music Academy who noted:

“We were impressed by the warm, happy atmosphere of the school, and the politeness of the children.  Everyone, joined in wholeheartedly with focus and musicality as they learnt this regal song in record time! The staff and children must be congratulated on rising to the challenge and then performing the Coronation Song beautifully.  Well done everyone!” 

World Book Day – Monday 27th February 2023

Today each of the classes celebrated World Book Day. All of the children and staff came to school wearing their pyjamas. In the morning everyone mixed with their partner class and enjoyed sharing their favourite book with a friend.

In the afternoon the children had an assembly where they chose their preferred book and made a headband to represent their favourite character. During assembly the children took part in a parade and each of the other classes had to guess who the character was. At the end of the day the teachers swapped to a different year group and shared their favourite book with the class.  

Pancake Day Tuesday – 21st February 2023

Today the children have celebrated Shove Tuesday. The excitement started when the Year 2 classes shared what they had learnt about Shove Tuesday with an assembly with the rest of the school. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the tradition of pancake racing in Buckinghamshire. They enjoyed taking part in their own races too.

In EYFS and Year 1 the children enjoyed making and eating their own pancakes. In Year 1 they also wrote instructions on how to make them.

9th February 2023

This week EYFS had a visit from PC Bidewell.  The children were enthralled to hear about his role as a police officer and had lots of interesting questions to ask.  They learnt that PC Bidewell’s’ favourite part of his job is keeping people safe.  The children were fortunate enough to be allowed to try on the police officers hat, hold the police radio and look closely at his police warrant badge. 

7th February 2023

This week, we had an assembly to celebrate Safer Internet Day. We learned that anyone can put anything on the internet and that although there are lots of kind people that use the internet, there may also be people who want to trick you. Our most important lesson was to keep our personal information private and to talk to an adult if we see anything that worries us.

31st January 2023

As part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic EYFS were fortunate to have a visit from a nurse who works in a local hospital.  The children were in awe of the different ways she looks after people and especially enjoyed watching Mrs Morris having her arm put in a plaster cast!  During the week the children had opportunities to make their own doctors and nurses bags, enjoyed playing in the role play area that was set up as a doctor’s surgery, looking at real x-rays, making stethoscopes and making eye charts to read.

12th – 16th December 2022

Merry Christmas everyone! This week the classes have been taking part in Activity Week. This has included making Christmas cards, some classes have decorated gingerbread men and others have made snow globes, as well as many other exciting festive crafts. In EYFS the children have also created a Christmas role play area and winter themed play tray.

The whole school have taken part in Christmas productions where the singing, acting and dancing was fantastic.  A few children even sang solos which were beautiful. There was lots of laughter, a few proud tears and lots of clapping from the parents. On the final day the children celebrated with a Christmas Jumper Day, festive parties and a Christmas lunch together.

Children In Need – 18th November 2022

We were super lucky to have a very special visitor the day before Children In Need.  All classes met Pudsey Bear and talked about how the donations help to look after and improve the lives of many children around the UK.
As a school we raised £442.04, so thank you for your support.