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Dear Parents and Friends,

On behalf of all the Governors, welcome to Manor Farm Infant School.

At Manor Farm Infant School, governors, staff, parents and children work as a team, building on success, in an atmosphere of care where everyone feels valued.

Manor Farm Infant School Governing Body has a firm commitment to the school, and we pride ourselves on the school's friendly and loving ethos. Pupil happiness, safety and quality of provision are always at the centre of our decision making.

A Governing Body is constituted for twelve members which is made up of two Parent Governors, one Local Authority Governor, one Staff Governor, our Headteacher and up to seven co-opted Community Governors. We strive to have a broad spectrum of experience across the Governing Body to further inform our decisions.

As Governors we are responsible for the strategic direction of the school, and we are here to support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team by being a critical friend. We aim to create a good relationship with the SLT and the whole school community through a mutual relationship of trust and respect.

We hold regular meetings to review policies, monitor targets and results, and oversee the financial performance of the school and to discuss aims and objectives linked to the School Development Plan.

We are responsible for the Headteacher's performance management reviews, and for holding the Headteacher to account for pupil outcomes.

Our Governors are committed to being visible within the school and we attend both formal and informal events at the school such as parent's evenings, sports day and the Christmas Dinner.

Please see details of who our Governors are, our meeting schedule, our attendance logs and various other documents attributable to the Governing Body.

Parent Governors

Parents, including carers, of registered pupils, are eligible to stand for election for parent governorship of the school. Other parents at the school elect parent governors. If insufficient parents stand for election, the governing body can appoint parent governors. Parent governors are ‘representative’ of the parent body and not ‘delegates’ they vote according to their own views.

Staff Governors

Staff governors are drawn from the Head, teaching staff and non-teaching staff of the school. One place is automatically reserved for the Head teacher by virtue of their appointment, whether they choose to accept governorship. Except for the Head teacher, their peers elect staff governors.

Local Authority Governors

The Local Authority that maintains the school appoints local authority governors. No one who is eligible to be a staff governor can be appointed as a local Authority governor.

Co-Opted Governors

Co-Opted Governors are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests. The definition of co-opted governors is wide and can be persons who live or work in the community served by the school, or those who are committed to good governance and the success of the school.

With my best wishes,

The Governing Board


For a list of current Governors, please see the table below: 

  Name   Title   
  Mrs Janice Woodhead   Governor (Headteacher)
  Mrs Wendy Terry   Co-opted Governor (Chair)
  Mr James Rycroft   Parent Governor (Vice Chair)
  Mrs Kimberley Boyd   School Staff Governor
  Mr Chris Hoggett   Co-opted Governor
  Mrs Emma Robertson   Co-opted Governor
  Mrs Sarah Winfield   Co-opted Governor
  Mrs Charlotte Holland   Parent Governor
  Mr Ian Lowe   Clerk to the Governors

Meet the Governors

Governor Attendance 2024-2025

Governor Attendance 2023-2024

Governor Roles and Register of Interest 2024-2025